domestic violence - 2% of monthly sales



At a time of global lockdowns, DRAE will start to raise awareness of violence against women. 

This year, DRAE will speak on behalf of women and girls who have or may become victims of domestic abuse.

Our homes are our sanctuary from the world and our savior from COVID-19. The mass lockdowns and quarantines have caused tragic things to happen behind closed doors. 

Even though there’s feminism and gender equality in our modern society, there’s still traditional patriarchy where women remain precariously vulnerable and unprotected. 

For this reason, on November 25th, 2021 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - At DRAE, we have launched a safe space for women to use our platform as a voice that will help women in our community to overcome or prevent future domestic abuse.

Our main initiative at DRAE is to dive deep into women’s real issues and be submerged in their struggles, and attached to their lives as a sacred bond of sisterhood and the facts of life. 

At DRAE, we are here not only to stand by but also to support and raise awareness of the hot-button gender inequality issues that go beyond a disparity in a gender pay gap. The gender issues go down to women’s freedom and liberation. Women have the liberty to be treated equally as their male partners, which is unfortunately not often the case. 

With that in mind, DRAE founded the platform #DRAEFORWOMEN to promote gender equality and inclusivity. 

We won’t give up our rights as women until the abuse, and the violence against us stop. Hopefully, that time soon will come when all women know they deserve men who help them seek the peace of mind together and live a harmonious life. Love isn’t a battlefield where it’s okay to fight and forgive each other. 

As part of our initiative, DRAE will donate 2% of our monthly sales to a woman’s organization to help all women see the bright future ahead of them. 

Therefore, for every bracelet you will buy 2% will be donated to a women’s organization to help women find justice. 

Let’s shine together and shift the power in a harmonious way. We at DRAE promise to stand with women and knock down the wall of injustice. By supporting women and their rights you shift the power and break the chains of discrimination. 

Be a voice for those who have been silenced in our nations. All women are powerful. Time to align the scales of rustic that have purposely been imbalanced.